Grading of Muscle Strength:
Examiner’s Actions:
Directions for the patient:
In muscle testing a normal result is a positive one. During a normal muscle test, the examiner should observe a normal muscle contraction that can move the joint or tendon against full resistance.
In muscle testing a abnormal result is a negative one. During a abnormal muscle test, the examiner should observe a abnormal muscle contraction that can move the joint or tendon. In a complete denervation injury, such as a complete nerve laceration, there will be no evidence of any muscle function. The muscle testing grade will be zero.
Hislop JH, Avers D, and Brown M. Daniels and Worthingham's Muscle testing, Techniques of Manual Examination and Performance Testing. 9th ed. St.Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Saunders; 2014: 138-202.